One Democrat, One Republican: A debate on economic fairness, the OWS movement, and more.

Alexander De Marco is an Owatonna attorney, and a committed Democrat. Othelmo da Silva is an academic advisor at Rochester Community & Technical College, and a committed Republican. The goal was to let them debate issues that often draw strong opinions from people from the 2 opposing parties. Surprisingly, they agree on a lot. We […]

Former Homeless Woman Tells Her Story

Beth Nelson lived a traditional American life. She had a husband, house, children, and a job. But addiction led her and her husband into a dark place, and after her husband’s suicide, she became homeless. Now, years later she’s working, has good relationships with her family, and says she hopes her story will help others […]

Posted at 7:30 pm on January 20, 2012 | 1 comment | Filed Under: Education, Homelessness, Minnesota, Personal Story, Uncategorized | Continue reading


*Link policy – if you want to link to one of the youtube interviews on this site, please link to the page on this blog that contains the embedded youtube video, and not just the “raw” youtube video page. Thanks.

Hey! Let’s talk…on Fridays is a project by Rochester, Minnesota journalist Donny Rowles, who was a local television reporter and producer at the Rochester, MN ABC affiliate (KAAL-TV) for 5+ years.

The goal is to bring smart people in and share their knowledge, perspectives and views; to discover solutions to problems and issues that directly impact Minnesotans and people across the country.

Insight is a valuable thing.

Hopefully we’ll be able to find some of it, on Fridays (usually) and then post it here.

More to come later…please stop back!

(You may find a fictional story on here from time to time, too.)